

Using Notion Callouts to Generate Complex Components

Exploring a theoretical approach to enabling Notion to serve as a CMS for complex websites with interactive components.

Mar 31, 2023

Development Planning: Breaking Down a Design into Components

You've been handed a design and tasked with writing the code that will bring that design to life. Where do you start?

Feb 11, 2022

Components: They Take a Village

It takes a lot to build a rock-solid, performant, beautiful, well-organized, component-driven site. But there's one thing that matters more than the rest.

Apr 01, 2021

The Good and the Bad of Component-Driven Development

Why would you build a website with components? Because it can be great! But you should know what you're getting yourself into first.

Mar 11, 2021

Balancing Flexibility and Productivity in Your CMS

Help your content editors enjoy their CMS experience by designing a content schema that balances productivity and flexibility.

Feb 05, 2021

3 Rules for Keeping Components Organized

Components may reduce the total volume of code you have to write, but keeping them organized can be a nightmare. Here are three simple rules to keep you organized, consistent, and productive.

Feb 03, 2021

3 Ways to Render Server-Side Components with Eleventy

While Eleventy doesn't appear to be built for today's component-driven landscape, here are three approaches we can take to get closer.

Jan 10, 2021

Introducing Component Adapters into a Gatsby Project

Component adapters are a great way to separate logic from presentation in component-driven development projects. Here's how I've implemented the approach in Gatsby.

Jul 17, 2020

Organize Components by Keeping Related Files Close

We've traditionally organized files by type. But that can make specific files difficult to track down, especially in an era dominated by component-driven development.

Jul 14, 2020

Simplify Components by Separating Logic from Presentation using Adapters

It's tough to know when it's the right time to break a component up into smaller components. Here's a way to approach that process that relies on more than what you see on the screen.

Jul 10, 2020