

Content I've written for other blogs.

Development Planning: Breaking Down a Design into Components

You've been handed a design and tasked with writing the code that will bring that design to life. Where do you start?

Feb 11, 2022

Six Traits of a Website Ready to Achieve its Goals

A "good website" is one that achieves its goals. Read these six traits of a website that stays focused on those goals.

Jan 28, 2022

Using a Headless CMS as a Multi-Channel Content Source

One of the biggest benefits of a headless CMS is that they can serve multiple front ends.

Jan 24, 2022

The Missing Piece of the Jamstack

At Stackbit, we're working to fill in this missing piece in the Jamstack. We believe we can build a healthy contract between developers and content creators.

Oct 14, 2021

What Made the Essence of Jamstack Possible

The Jamstack may have been born out of pain, but it couldn't have existed without the convergence of a few key factors.

Oct 07, 2021

The Next Evolution of Stackbit

This next version of Stackbit is going to be incredible! And we're offering sneak peeks through our Early Access Program.

Sep 30, 2021

The Jamstack Journey: A Guide on Transforming an Idea into a Website

It takes a lot to bring an idea to life on the web, even for the simplest of sites. Follow this guide for a detailed look at moving from concept to a website deployed to your domain.

Sep 08, 2021

How to Separate Content from Website Code

It's much easier to maintain a site over time when the content is separate from the code. Walk through that process using a real example with Eleventy.

Aug 24, 2021

How to Convert Static HTML into Powerful Templates

Learn how to take a handful of static HTML files and convert them into templated files that will help you minimize errors and work more efficiently.

Aug 10, 2021

Generate Dynamic JSON Pages with Next.js

Two methods for generating JSON pages with Next.js. One that updates on every request, the other on every build.

Jun 10, 2021