
Ruby on Rails (Page 3)

Run Multiple Rails Servers at the Same Time

It's annoying to shut down and start up your Rails server when jumping between projects. Learn how to run multiple servers at the same time.

Oct 24, 2014

Preview Emails in Rails

Rails 4.1 introduced the ability to preview email messages from your mailers without sending an email. Learn how ...

Oct 23, 2014

Order Rails Query by Virtual Attribute

Rails' scopes don't work well with virtual attributes since they resolve to a SQL query. Instead you can throw them in an array and then sort by a virtual attribute.

Oct 22, 2014

Rails has_many :through Polymorphic Association

How to maintain HMT behavior on a polymorphic association.

Oct 13, 2014

Related Content (without metadata) in Rails using tf-idf

Sometimes metadata isn't available. Other times you don't want to rely on it. Here's a method for finding related content using term frequency / inverse document frequency.

Oct 12, 2014