
Posts (Page 44)

Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.

Free Alternatives to GitHub for Private Git Hosting

GitHub is super awesome, until you have to start paying for it. Check out two feature-full and FREE alternatives.

Jan 08, 2015

Convert PDF to Image with Dragonfly and Rails

Converting a PDF to an image using Rails and Dragonfly is actually quite simple. Check it out.

Jan 06, 2015

Reload Page with Javascript

Reloading a page on the fly is easy with JavaScript.

Jan 04, 2015

How to Transition from CarrierWave to Dragonfly

It can be a process to move away from CarrierWave once you're already using it. Here's a step-by-step process to make it easy to transition to Dragonfly.

Jan 02, 2015

Impossible is a Human Invention

We can use Philippe Petit's sentence, "Impossible is a human invention," to prove that nothing is impossible.

Dec 31, 2014

What is the Purpose of "www" in Website URLs?

Some websites use www in their domain name, and others don't. What the heck? Find out why and what you should do here ...

Dec 29, 2014

Remove the "www" from a URL with Nginx

For SEO purposes, it's best to choose between www and no www. See how to do it with Nginx.

Dec 27, 2014

Select the Last n Children in CSS

Sometimes you need to target more than just the last child in a series of HTML elements. Learn how to target the last n number of elements here.

Dec 20, 2014

How to Change the Hostname on Ubuntu Server

Got an ugly command prompt? Learn how to change the name of your computer.

Dec 17, 2014

Check if a File is Binary or Text in Ruby

Here's a cool little trick to determining if a file is text or binary in Ruby just by using the path to that file.

Dec 15, 2014