
Posts (Page 35)

Written content to help you along your web development journey, without forgetting to have some fun along the way.

Run a Local Web Server with Node

No need to mess with Apache or Nginx to run a web server on your local machine. Just use this node command.

Jun 21, 2018

Run a Local Web Server with Ruby

No need to mess with Apache or Nginx to run a web server on your local machine. Just use this ruby command.

Jun 21, 2018

Use PurgeCSS To Optimize Stylesheet with Jekyll

Typically your application's stylesheet bundle contains several rules your site doesn't need. Here's how to use PurgeCSS to remove those unused styles when you're working on a Jekyll site.

Jun 13, 2018

Wait Until All Images are Loaded

When you don't want to perform an action until the browser has downloaded all appropriate images.

Jun 03, 2018

2 Ways to Keep JavaScript Local

It's far too easy to let your JS code pollute the global namespace. Here are two methods for keeping your code local.

May 21, 2018

Simple Looping Crossfade Image Slideshow

A simple way to give the appearance of a full-screen looping slideshow with crossfading animation.

May 18, 2018

Change CSS within an iFrame

When you have access to the code inside an iFrame, you can manipulate its DOM that can lead to style changes.

May 17, 2018

Build & Deploy a Dynamic Site in an Hour for Free

Combine the forces of Contentful, Middleman, and Netlify to build and deploy dynamic-like site for free in less than an hour.

May 08, 2018

Dynamic Pages in Middleman using Contentful

How to configure and use the Contentful Middleman gem to generate pages in Middleman driven by a content management system.

May 06, 2018

Dynamic Routing in Middleman

Take Middleman's dynamic pages feature, combine it with data modeling, and voila! We have dynamic routing in Middleman.

May 04, 2018